Inauguration of ISTE Student Chapter at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
‘India is now considered as knowledge society for having built the third largest scientific technological manpower capability. Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is collaborating with engineering colleges to foster entrepreneurial culture among students of technology and to strengthen the capability of teachers by conducting faculty awareness camps. Our aim is to see Industries and Institutions to support each other’, opined Dr. D.S. Suresh, Chairman, ISTE Karnataka Section, while inaugurating the ISTE Student Chapter at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. Further he added that the Engineering colleges cannot conduct effectively just by imparting the curriculum unless they conduct effective Research and Innovation alongside. In the beginning Dr. H.C. Nagaraj, Principal, NMIT welcomed the gathering. Prof. N.R. Shetty, Past National President of ISTE; Rohit Punja, Administrator, Nitte Education Trust; Dr. S.B. Sangappa, Present Member, National Executive Counc...